CLASSIFIED ADS: The Next BIG (as in Billions) WEB Market:
The trick is to match the local classified ad with the local search apparatus. A big market is used autos, boats, trucks, etc. that are listed in area publications. Pay for ad when sold or before. How much? Property listings by owner (or realtor).
Locating what's for sale and where? More fun is taking the yard sale mentality and browse to see what is for sale around where you are at the time. "Where are you?" " I am at exit 35 on Interstate 40 in Tennessee." "I am in the country at the crossroad 27 and 96 somewhere in Kansas. " "What is the zipcode?" "How should I know?" "What Town?" "Not one!"
Search local on Google or Yahoo? Ask Jeeves? Can they really help? You may not have enough info on your end to key in. How are you going to find out that Billy Bob is selling his 1942 model truck? How are you going to locate the farm that has cattle for sale? Or the local contractor that will bush hog your newly acquired farm? Antique dishes, drill press, beagle pup, steamed crab.You can find them all at the universal gateway that makes local really local and uncomplicates the web a bit.
All of the "little guys" are interested in their ad working local. They have to be tuned in to a system that allows one to find them quickly in their local area. Like looking in the local paper. Only that the buyers are not aware of the local newspaper or the local internet sites. Find a local motel, the gnome might be busy. Why go thru L.A. to find out that there is not a BigInn at your destination or current location on the East coast?
RoadJunctions.US is the site that does just that. You can't get any more local than the nearest road junction and you can't find the road junction any easier than at
Think about it for a split second. You have at your disposal a unique and time saving search method that you can use anywhere for a pinpoint location. The address on the ground- near Exit 35 on Interstate 40 in Tennessee is the same address you search for on the web on the roadjunctions site " 40tn35 ". Very simple and very effective. All the merchants and all the one time sellers are found in the same area and at the same local area on the web. Thanks for checking us out. We will be growing soon with our unique proprietary "new road codes." Look for our merchants-They are all on the front page.
The trick is to match the local classified ad with the local search apparatus. A big market is used autos, boats, trucks, etc. that are listed in area publications. Pay for ad when sold or before. How much? Property listings by owner (or realtor).
Locating what's for sale and where? More fun is taking the yard sale mentality and browse to see what is for sale around where you are at the time. "Where are you?" " I am at exit 35 on Interstate 40 in Tennessee." "I am in the country at the crossroad 27 and 96 somewhere in Kansas. " "What is the zipcode?" "How should I know?" "What Town?" "Not one!"
Search local on Google or Yahoo? Ask Jeeves? Can they really help? You may not have enough info on your end to key in. How are you going to find out that Billy Bob is selling his 1942 model truck? How are you going to locate the farm that has cattle for sale? Or the local contractor that will bush hog your newly acquired farm? Antique dishes, drill press, beagle pup, steamed crab.You can find them all at the universal gateway that makes local really local and uncomplicates the web a bit.
All of the "little guys" are interested in their ad working local. They have to be tuned in to a system that allows one to find them quickly in their local area. Like looking in the local paper. Only that the buyers are not aware of the local newspaper or the local internet sites. Find a local motel, the gnome might be busy. Why go thru L.A. to find out that there is not a BigInn at your destination or current location on the East coast?
RoadJunctions.US is the site that does just that. You can't get any more local than the nearest road junction and you can't find the road junction any easier than at
Think about it for a split second. You have at your disposal a unique and time saving search method that you can use anywhere for a pinpoint location. The address on the ground- near Exit 35 on Interstate 40 in Tennessee is the same address you search for on the web on the roadjunctions site " 40tn35 ". Very simple and very effective. All the merchants and all the one time sellers are found in the same area and at the same local area on the web. Thanks for checking us out. We will be growing soon with our unique proprietary "new road codes." Look for our merchants-They are all on the front page.
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